Rethinking Wealth

Our clients are innovators, entrepreneurs and disruptors.

Until now, they have made building their wealth a priority.

But protecting and growing it shapes future generations.

We don't chase highs, we establish legacies.

Risk management is critical.

You have worked hard to build your wealth, so let’s protect it. One of our top priorities is to shield you from unforeseen risks.

Our team will help you:

Design Wealth Strategy & Legacy Plans- understand your needs, explore all of your options and set priorities.

Find Balance- consider all goals; tax savings, asset protection, access to capital, privacy, etc.

Develop Creative & Flexible Planning Structures – establish strategies designed for optimal outcomes but positioned for uncertainties.

Decide “Where” to Own – understand protective, tax efficient jurisdictions.

Understand Safe Custody – minimize counterparty risks, or forfeiture risk of the assets.

We think in generations.

We aren’t in it for the short-term. We build tailored portfolios for each client that harness factors that drive wealth creation over decades – revolutionary technologies, geopolitical imperatives, and the historical forces of change.

Our team will provide:

Dedicated investment committee – design a strategic plan for client assets.

Opportunistic asset allocation – identify and seize extraordinary market dislocations. 

Custom investment strategies –dynamic, in-house investment management for income and long-term growth. 

External manager selection – help determine the right specialist, at the right time. 

Human capital is transformative.

Your financial capital reflects your hard work and past success, but your human capital (knowledge, experience, ideas, etc.) builds and shapes your future. We understand that sustainable wealth requires an investment in human capital across multiple generations. 

Our team will provide:

Support and empowerment –harness your unique portfolio of human capital to create measurable and sustainable results.

Strategic advice and research – provide insights to help make informed decisions in entrepreneurial and risk-taking endeavors. 

Successor development – identify and expand potential of legacies through customized coaching and mentoring.

"Crafting a Lasting Legacy: Strategic Asset Ownership for Generational Wealth Protection"

Building and protecting generational wealth starts with planning for how to own - managing risks and optimizing outcomes. We partner with senior-level legal strategists who ensure that clients are positioned to capitalize on opportunities and effectively navigate challenges.


“Without a geopolitical framework, an investor is flying blind in a storm.”

Developing generational wealth requires a deep understanding of geopolitical forces. Our renowned geopolitical analysis informs all of our solutions for clients, from asset management to global custody decisions.


"Creating new wealth and out-maneuvering the inflation that erodes existing wealth – means looking into the future.”

Technology revolutions drive wealth creation (and destruction) over generations. A handful of key “general purpose” technologies are what drive the economy over the multi-generational time horizon. Understanding these revolutionary technologies is at the heart of our asset management approach.


“Innovation involves challenging the status quo and taking calculated risks to drive progress and achieve breakthrough outcomes.”

To understand the technologies that drive long-term innovation and growth, we go to the experts. CI’s Innovation Advisory Board, our own scientists, researchers and industry leaders, work with us to identify the best and often unseen investment opportunities.


"Crafting a Lasting Legacy: Strategic Asset Ownership for Generational Wealth Protection"

Building and protecting generational wealth starts with planning for how to own - managing risks and optimizing outcomes. We partner with senior-level legal strategists who ensure that clients are positioned to capitalize on opportunities and effectively navigate challenges.


“Without a geopolitical framework, an investor is flying blind in a storm.”

Developing generational wealth requires a deep understanding of geopolitical forces. Our renowned geopolitical analysis informs all of our solutions for clients, from asset management to global custody decisions.

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